January 17, 2014

Ice Cream Sundae Specials

Vendee Globe Sundae - a special marine theme
Now who's for an ice cream sundae? Chances are there would be a big show of hands in reply to that question! The truth is that the good old fashioned ice cream sundae, which first became popular in Britain in the 1930's with the Knickerbocker Glory, is never likely to wain in popularity. In fact, if anything it is increasing in popularity Not only is ice cream a perennial favourite for many people but ice cream parlours are becoming ever more adventurous with what they offer.

The photo above is a great example of a 'themed' ice cream sundae. Taking its name from the famous round the world yacht race the Vendee Glob. I just love the wave effect achieved with a simple piece of meringue!

The next photo is a sundae which is very simple to make but looks incredibly colourful and delicious.

Pistachio, Hazelnut & Vanilla Ice Cream Sundae

It's just 3 scoops of different flavoured ice cream - vanilla, hazelnut and pistchio (left to right as you look at the photo) with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and a little piece of meringue on top. The bright pink paper balloon shape stick decoration just adds that extra 'je ne sais quoi' - appropriate to use that description as I ordered this sundae in a French ice cream parlour! Oooh lala!

If you love ice cream sundaes there's a great new Sundae Community on Google+. Join it today and share the passion :)