November 7, 2010

La Belle France!

I have heard the phrase 'La Belle France' all my life - in movies, on tv and in books - but never really understood what it meant ... until now. A recent trip revealed the secret. It's simple ... France is a beautiful place. The scenery, food, weather, history and its people were of a quality that I had not anticipated.

Pictures taken on that trip will tell you far more than I can express in words.

Here is the first ... taken on the Ile de Ré off the coast of La Rochelle. If you have never been to the island (where apparently Johnny Depp has been spotted hanging out!) it is well worth a visit. We ordered lunch at a small restaurant by the harbour in St Martin de Ré. It was so tasty and filling that it became our main meal of the day! Key ingredients were the delicious, locally produced ham with goats cheese and golden potatoes grown on the island - the best I've ever tasted.