June 6, 2010

Winter Ice To Spring Sunshine - Life On A Lake

It's been a busy year so far ... so little time for blogging! All is not lost, however, because I have been snapping photos all year long so in sharing them with you, they will be the 'stories' for many of the posts in 2010.

My last post back in February was about a small lake close to where I live. It offers the perfect opportunity to monitor nature and the seasons and here are two wonderfully contrasting photos that show just how different it can be .....

Photo 1 - Sunset Over Frozen Lake
There were some wonderful pink and golden skies tinged with hues of blue. The ice and snow on the ground formed the perfect contrast and a wonderful, wintery atmosphere.

Photo 2 - Spring 'Babes'
One of the numerous 'duck families' that emerge each Spring. Young ducklings, guarded by their ever-protective mother, learn what life in a lake is all about. The warmth of the sunshine clearly encourages new life and the lake becomes 'alive' again.